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Bloom Club

Our goal of this is a service design project is to help elderly women to boost their confidence, share their voice and build their community.


Experience at bloom Club

Bloom Club, which is a lounge has two main areas inside — a public area opens to everyone to chill, and a private area for our club members to participate our activities (e.g. an improv class for them to share their own life experience) 

User Journey Map

1.The exhibition area for our club members to share their voice. They can post their memorable stories on the screen to the public. 

2.The Bloom Bar in public area provides a cozy space for customers to socialize with friends so that they can build their community

When there’s someone decide to join our club, we’ll put a badge with her name onto our wall, and people will toast to her to celebrate. By doing this, we hope to bring our members an ownership of the community

3.The private area only opens to our club members.

Here is an example of our events — improv class. Bloom Club will invite professionals coming over and participants are free to go on to the stage. It’s a great activity that can boost their confidence.  

User journey map

Service Blueprint

Service blueprint

Website Prototype
Design Methods
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We've built this website as a part of our service prototype. We posted advertisements on Facebook to gather clicks and recorded people's activities on the site through Hotjar. By doing this we tried to figure out if people are interested in our service and which kind of information will encourage them to become our member. 

  • User journey map

  • Secondary research

  • Primary research

    • in context interviews

    • card sorting

    • interviews

  • Research data analysis 

  • Website design

  • Service Pitch

  • Concept maps & Storyboards

  • Prototype (physical & virtual products)

  • Usability test

  • Finical model

©2024 by Siqi Zhang.

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